Permeability is the new lens which should reframe the purpose of universities in the 21st Century:
The permeable university removes barriers to interaction both within the institution and beyond it. Permeability should be the new lens which reframes the historic, core activities of universities; across organisational and national boundaries, between different groups and communities, technologies, and disciplines. This will require a rethinking at every level from the system and policy framework within which universities operate through to the governance of institutions and what they deliver.
Permeability is an approach, a method for redevelopment of the higher education environment, a way of doing which institutions, governing bodies and sector organisations can use to re-find purpose and values, to educate, to research and to engage more widely.
Delivering permeable education, research and engagement

Embrace students as central to the renewed community of scholars:
The process of reflective learning needs to apply to the…

Nurture lifelong connections between universities and graduates with continuous learning at the heart of the relationship:
As they move on in their careers, graduates will need…

Develop near-to-teaching research:
There is value in the experience of discovery through research…

Further the interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary project:
The growing complexity and interrelatedness of the challenges that surround…

Respond to an age of rapid, wide-spread opinion formation and amplified participation by connecting with wider society:
A core contribution of the research process is to slow…
Governance for the permeable university

Move beyond a singular structure:
Governance in the 21st Century is complex and multifaceted. Expecting…

Use full breadth of governance bodies to broaden representation:
Boards in themselves cannot be representative of all communities but…
System changes to support the permeable university

Ensure regulation systems and funding mechanisms are balanced so that there is a protected space for experimentation:
The core of the university offer must continue to be…

Challenge-led research frameworks and funding:
Strong partnerships between policy makers, societal interest groups and researchers…

Ensure the wider public has a transparent understanding of how research funds are allocated and used:
Involve different groups in identifying research questions with funders and…